Home > Catalyst (Vampire Apocalypse #2)(17)

Catalyst (Vampire Apocalypse #2)(17)
Author: H.M. Ward

The King reached forward and took the frightened rabbit from Celticad's hands. Grabbing it by the scruff of the neck, the King held the snow white rabbit up in front of his face. The little ball of fur trembled, its bright eyes darting from side to side, looking for a way to escape. The King spoke to it gently, "There's no reason to fear, little one." He smiled at the animal. With a flick of his wrist, the rabbit's neck snapped. The sound of bone breaking echoed in the King's ears. "Here," he handed the lifeless ball of fur back to Celticad, "Skin it and strap its pelt to your belt. Every time you look at its soft fur, remember the sound of its neck snapping. Remember that is exactly what will happen to you if you ever again make a mistake of the magnitude you made today. Next time you will not survive. Never forget it."

Chapter 22

Although he didn't want to, Reggie knew that he couldn't get caught with Kahli, but he didn't know what to do with her. He wanted to keep her, use her blood for himself, but having her body around - and that uncouth mouth - was not smart. If the girl escaped her cage while he was unaware, she'd slit his throat and set him on fire. There were things vampires had once been able to recover from, but being beheaded and burned alive wasn't one of them. His eyes flicked to Kahli. She sat in the center of the cage, cross-legged, picking her nails like an ape.

"Must you do that?"

Kahli looked up at him, her eyes narrowed. She flicked a nail and it made that awful sound again. "What? You mean this?" She did it again, watching Reggie cringe.

"You know exactly what I mean, you barbaric simian. Stop making ghastly sounds." He pressed his fingers to his temples. "I need to think."

Kahli sighed and fell onto her back. Staring at the cage ceiling, she said, "Simian? Really? We're resorting to name calling now, Reggie?"

"Reginald," he bit back, his hands flying away from his face. Although he desperately needed to figure out how to play this hand, he couldn't think. Every time his mind brushed the surface of an idea, it slipped away. Exasperated, he strode toward her cage and stopped in front of it. "Did William teach you to act this way, or is this your own concoction?"

Kahli grinned, still looking at the ceiling of the cage. Not lifting her head to look at the vamp, she said, "William taught me not to trust anyone. My manners are my own creation. I know how much you like me, Reggie. I think we'd get along way better if you didn't treat me like a monkey." Kahli looked at her nails and then pressed them to the bottom of the metal cage, and pulled. They made a shrieking sound that made Kahli cringe inside, but she scraped her nails all the way across the cage bottom, which made the hideous noise louder. When she finished, Kahli looked at her nails. Two ripped, but it was worth it.

Reggie's arms tensed at the sound and pulled tighter to his body. His shoulders went rigid as he watched the girl. Plugging his fingers in his ears, he yelled, "I'll stop treating you like a monkey when you stop acting like one!"

Kahli jumped to her feet. "I'll stop acting like one, when you stop treating me like one. Let me out of this damn cage. We want the same things. We should be working together. You already know that, but you're too arrogant to say you need my help."

Reggie left his fingers in his ears, and pressed his eyes closed, "Silence, beast." When Kahli didn't stop talking, Reggie grabbed a remote off the side table next to the couch. He pressed a yellow button and a jolt of electricity shot through the cage, zapping Kahli. She gasped, rendered momentarily silent. When Reggie released the button, he said, "That's better. Remember, no matter what your puny mind might be telling you, you're trapped, little girl. Unless you chew through those bars, you belong to me."

Kahli's hair smoked lightly. The ends had that singed hair smell. It filled her nostrils as she pushed herself off the cage floor. Laying down and getting zapped was way worse than standing up and getting zapped. It was the second time he did that to her. "We're wasting time, you arrogant bastard." Her voice came out in a breath, completely lacking its normal venom.

Reggie folded his arms after he put the remote down. Scolding her, he said, "Then, shut up, Miss Kahli Wildgirl and let me think." His head hung between his shoulders like the world was crushing him flat.

Kahli rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand, trying to push away the effect of the shock. "There's nothing to think about. You want your sister dead. So do I. So does Will. So does the King. Pick a side, you coward, and go run her through with a pitchfork. Now'd be a good time."

Reggie turned and tilted his head at her. "You understand nothing. Sophia expects to be attacked and out of all people, she suspects me. How am I supposed to waltz right in there and walk out with my head? Come on, chimp-girl. If you're so smart, tell me how." Reggie walked next to her cage and snapped his fingers at her like she was a misbehaving animal.

Taking a ragged breath, she looked up at him. Kahli's eyes were livid, green as emeralds, and just as hard. "If you snap at me again, I'm going to chew through these bars and bite off your fingers, one by one." She held his gaze for a moment, before continuing, "You are so dense. Return what's been stolen from her. Show up with me in hand, and she'll let you in. You can walk straight into the ballroom."

"And then, what? You saw what she did to me before."

"You didn't have me before. You didn't have my blood inside of you before. This time Sophia won't suspect a thing. She's had more of my blood, but it didn't metabolize as quickly as it did with you. You can probably manage another drop or two before we got there."

"How'd you know the Queen had trouble with your blood?"

Kahli looked at him like Reggie was retarded, "The King. Hello? He tried to rip my neck out. Remember? Come on! Pull it together. We have to get out of here, and you're wasting time asking for a rehash. The King is the one you have to watch out for, not her, and he's not there right now."

Reggie paced in front of her, his slender arms folded over his chest. "How do I know I can trust you?"

She laughed, "You can't. But for the moment, we share a common problem."

"For the moment," he agreed.

Chapter 23

Kahli stared at Reggie. Will was still alive. She felt it deep within her core, but she didn't know where he was or how badly he was hurt. The sound of his voice screaming her name rang through her ears long after she awoke. When Reggie yanked her out of the safe house, Kahli didn't even get a chance to turn around and see if Will was all right. It was killing her, lying in the cage and acting like everything was fine when it wasn't.

Reggie finally seemed to get some gumption. Kahli used the moment to light a flame under his butt, and hurl his hatred directly at the Queen. Maybe it wasn't Will's plan, but it was better than waiting around to die. At the rate she was going, Reggie would cut her tongue out before dinner.

Maybe she'd been shocked by the cage too many times, but helping Reggie seemed like a good idea. "There's only one thing I want first," Kahli said sternly.

Reggie flopped his head to the side and sighed. Turning to the cage, he moaned, "Of course you do. Let me guess? Will. You want us to go drag his lifeless body from that caved-in mess." Reggie looked at her in a way that made her feel stupid.

Her jaw tensed, but she tried not to show it. After a moment, she replied, "I'm not asking you for freedom."

"Only because you intend to steal it."

"I'll keep my word," Kahli protested.

"Sure you will. Just like your mother, right?"

Kahli's jaw dropped. A surge of energy flooded her system. It was impossible to let the words roll off. "What do you know about my mother? Where is she?" Kahli grabbed the bars after she rushed forward, slamming her body into the side of the cage. "If you know something - !"

"Psh," Reggie waved her off. "I don't know anything. I just wanted to see what you would do." He glanced over at her, smirking.

Bastard. Kahli wanted to beat him until he cried. She was pretty sure if she swore, while she punched him in the face, Reggie would break down in tears. Pressing her lips together, she worked the muscle in her jaw until she didn't want to chomp his head off with her teeth. "Stop messing with me, Reggie. We're in this together or we're not. If you don't help me save Will, then I won't help you. It'll be a lot harder to keep your head on your shoulders when the Queen finds out that I'm in your possession with a huge-ass scar on my neck. You know what she's going to think, right? That you did it."

Reggie turned toward her, his arms falling to his sides, "She'll believe whatever I tell her." He watched Kahli, waiting for her to say something, but when she didn't, he asked, "You think she won't?"

"If the King is out of the picture, it just looks damning. Maybe he had nothing to do with this," she gestured to herself, pointing at her neck with a curved wrist. "Or, maybe it was your fault. Maybe my memory isn't so good anymore, and I woke up here after you killed Will. Will was hers, too, you know. Showing up with both of us would clear up a lot of questions and put you in her favor. When heads are rolling around like snowballs, I'd think that was a good spot to be."

Reggie's eyes were black orbs. They fixated on Kahli as she spoke. His pale fingers tapped gently on his shirtsleeve. When she finished speaking, Reggie said nothing. He had a distant look in his eye, like he was trying to remember something. When he blinked again, the vacant look faded, and he slipped his hands into his pockets. "Perhaps, you're right. A trade, then. Will for your cooperation?"

"Yes," she snapped, banging the bars with the back of her hand for emphasis. "I already agreed. Drop the formality and let's get on with it."

Reggie grinned crookedly, "Not so fast, I still need you to supply me with more blood - a vial."

Kahli cringed at the idea, but agreed. She could smash the vial later. "Done. Now let me out of here." Reggie strode toward the cage and pressed his finger to the metal lock. The keypad warmed under his touch and clicked. There was a scrape and Reggie swung the door open.

"Please, sit." Reggie said, extending his long fingers toward the ugly couch.

"We need to get Will. He'll die out there if we don't go soon."

Reggie shook his head. Turning, he grabbed a black leather satchel from his desk and turned to her. Walking to the sofa he said, "All in good time; the vial first, William second." Kahli's lips pressed into a thin line, like she'd say no, so he added, "He's not in any danger. The runes would be blaring like an alarm, if he were."

Kahli watched Reggie pull out a syringe and vial from the black bag. He ripped open a needle from a sealed plastic bag and assembled the thing. Holding out his hand, he waited for Kahli to offer her arm.

"Fine," she bit the word and thrust her arm toward him. "Do it fast."

"Of course," Reggie said. Taking her by the elbow, Reggie tied off her upper arm with a piece of plastic from the kit. Kahli grit her teeth, but didn't move. His delicate fingers pushed around on her arm before he lifted the needle and pushed it into her vein. Grinning, he watched the thick red blood spill into the vial, utterly delighted.

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