Home > Catalyst (Vampire Apocalypse #2)(25)

Catalyst (Vampire Apocalypse #2)(25)
Author: H.M. Ward

Maybe he shouldn't have told her what the vamps intended to do with her. The Captain told him that little piece of information last. She meant for it to make him realize there was no escape. Killing her shouldn't have changed anything, but it changed everything. Cole knew what was happening in the palace that night and where. Maybe he should have protected Cassie from the truth, but it was too late now.

After Cole cleared the hallway, he went back and singled to Cassie that they could follow. Then, the pattern repeated. As they moved closer to the exit, there were more vampires moving through the palace. They were flooding toward a single point like rats running from a storm. At one point, Cole forced the group into a room. There were too many vampires moving through the halls. Sneaking the group outside with so many vampires present wasn't an option. He needed a better vantage point to see what changed. This was not what the Captain had planned. Something was happening.

Cole signaled to Chaucer for him to remain by the door. Crossing the room swiftly, Cole reached out and pushed back a massive velvet drape. He looked out the window and cursed under his breath. From where Cole stood, he could see the front palace lawn. It was covered in vampires with a single figure leading them forward, dressed in red. Sophia. Cole watched closely, trying to determine what was happening. The front lawn was mostly smooth, with the exception of the front drive that curved toward the palace with thick snow banks on either side.

Turning his face, Cole looked the other way. The room they were in jutted out from the side of the building in one of the remote wings of the palace. It allowed let him see the edge of the Southern lawn, as well, which appeared undisturbed. The orchard sat there frozen, the jagged branches jutting up into the cloudy sky like bony fingers. That side of the palace was all hills and shadows. While Cole didn't see anything, that didn't mean it was safe.

Glancing back at the front lawn, Cole noticed that the vamps that moved through the building were all spilling out onto the front lawn. They seemed to be moving toward Sophia. A truck was also approaching the front gates, bouncing down the driveway, flanked by guards on snow mobiles. Sophia spread her arms wide and laughed as the wind battered her skirt, streaking it like spilled blood across a canvas of white snow.

Cole turned toward the room of pale faces. There was only one thing to do, one way to proceed. Cassie was going to kill him. Drawing himself up to his full height, Cole spoke with authority that shocked most of them. Chaucer leaned against the door, watching, as if he knew Cole was capable of so much more.

"The vamps are moving to a single location on the front lawn. This is a deviation from the information I gleaned earlier." Cole's gaze cut from face to face and finally landed on Cassie's. Her brown eyes were narrowing, as if she knew what he was going to say before he said it. "We're exiting through the south side of the palace. It's our best bet. Once outside, we travel on foot until morning. If you fall behind, you're left behind." He directed that comment at Brent specifically, before continuing. "I'm going outside first to make sure we can get out. Do not leave this room. Understand? Chaucer, guard the door. Kill anything that comes through it. It should take me twenty minutes to reach the South exit and survey the path to the outer wall."

Cassie pushed to the front of the group, "I'm coming with you."

"No, you aren't. You're staying here where I know you'll be safe." Cole didn't even he look at her.

Cassie snapped at his heels, following him to the door like she intended to punch Chaucer in the face if he tried to stop her. "You can't tell me what to do anymore! We aren't children. Going out there alone is stupid. At least let me - "

Cole rounded on her. Lowering his face to hers, he hissed, "There's nothing you can do, Cassie. Stay here. If something happens to me, you'll be the one they look to for help. If I'm not back within the hour, move out. You can't stay here. Understand?"

"Cole," she pleaded, but he was already out the door.

Looking over his shoulder, Cole saw Cassie's big brown eyes watching him walk away. "Lock it," he said to Chaucer, who nodded and pressed the door shut. When Cole heard the click, he took off at a full run.

Chapter 34

Celticad moved through the ancient tunnel, his feet slipping on the icy stone floor. Although the tunnel was still there, it wasn't in pristine condition. The King followed behind with a wide grin on his face.

"Where will this lead to in the palace?"

Celticad spoke over his shoulder, "I'm not certain, exactly. It depends on which tunnel we follow. There are more paths down here that will meet up with this one."

"What a splendid night," the King said, beaming. "Two of my biggest problems are about to right themselves." The King sensed her. Somewhere back there in the darkness was the girl. As soon as she stepped foot in the tunnel, it was like someone touched a flame to his skin. Kahli was following him. He couldn't have asked for a better present.

The King moved faster, urging Celticad on. He had to reach the Queen first and destroy her before dealing with the girl. He didn't want Sophia to have the chance at more blood. As it was, he knew Sophia would be more powerful, but it didn't concern him. The sound of dripping water filled his ears.

"What do you mean, my Lord?" Celticad asked, not looking behind him at the smiling King. Waving his massive hand, he cleared away cobwebs and walked on.

"Just that, Celticad. Your reward is behind us, trying to spring on us like a spider. Be ready for her," the King replied.

Celticad jerked to a stop and spun around, "The girl is in the tunnel?"

The King nodded, "So it would seem."

"Should I bring her to you?" he asked, Celticad's massive face pinching together as he thought.

The King shook his head, "No, let her come to us. Just be ready for her, and if the time comes, don't kill her. Is that clear?"

Celticad nodded and turned on his heel, continuing down the slick tunnel at a faster pace. The King followed behind, hastening his pace to keep up with the large vampire. They moved through the bricked tunnel, and it wasn't until they turned several times, that the pitch of the floor started to rise. They would come out inside the palace soon.

The King remained at Celticad's heels, until they stopped at the end of the hall. The passage was bricked over. The King was furious. He howled, not caring if Kahli heard him, "It's sealed! You idiot, how could you know this was here and not realized it was sealed off from the rest of the palace!" The King's furry flashed in his golden eyes.

Celticad shook his head, "It's not enough to stop us." Celticad ignored the King's tirade and pulled his fist back. When he launched it forward, Celticad's massive hand punched the brick so hard that it crumbled like dust. The wall shook and smashed brick fell to the floor like sand.

The King fell silent as the massive vampire drew back his fist again and let it fly. The wall shook on contact, and more bricks turned to ash, disintegrating on impact.

The King folded his arms across his chest, and smiled as the wall began to crumble.

Chapter 35

Cole was at the end of the hall when he heard a loud crack. The wall next to him shook violently, like something was about to come through. Cole stopped and stared at it, his eyes wide. Another smash and plaster fell from the wall onto the carpet. Heart hammering hard, Cole looked up and down the hall before darting into the adjacent doorway. He pressed his back to the wall, and reached behind him for the door knob. It was locked. Cursing under his breath, Cole watched as the wall fell apart and pieces of plaster and wood went flying in every direction. He closed his eyes, willing his heart to steady. Whatever the Queen thought was coming for her on the front lawn wasn't there. It was smashing through the wall in the back of her palace.

A final bang resounded and Cole peered around the door jam. A massive hand came through the wall. Before Cole could blink, the hand reach around and tore off the surrounding plaster. Bricks and dust poured into the palace, turning the blue carpet white. The air filled with white dust. It was like a massive cloud was trapped inside the hallway. Cole held his breath and pressed his back against the door.

Two figures appeared. One was huge. It was the largest vampire he'd ever seen. Taking him down wasn't even an option. The vamp would snap him like a twig before Cole was within reach to stab him with his knife. When the second vampire came through the dust and rubble, Cole understood. It was the King. He stepped through the hole looking dignified. He shook some of the dust from his dark hair and looked up and down the hall quickly.

"Good job, Celticad. I know exactly where we are. Let's find my precious wife, shall we?"

The large vampire nodded and resumed the lead. They walked up the hall, the way Cole had come. Their voices drifted back, allowing Cole to catch pieces of the conversation. "And, then what?"

"I'll take care of her. You take the rest. And as for the girl, let her find us. By the time she realizes what happened, it'll be too late. The Queen will be dead." The King's voice trailed off and Cole couldn't hear him anymore.

Peeling himself off the wall, Cole looked at the hole a few feet from him. It was a way out, a way that the Queen didn't know about. If Cole backtracked through that tunnel, it would spit him out somewhere beyond the palace grounds. He was certain of it. Glancing up and down the hall, Cole moved swiftly to the opening.

Chapter 36

Kahli's heart hammered harder. A prickling sensation covered her skin, making her feel colder. The King was in this tunnel. She stalked him slowly, keeping her distance, not sure how to kill him when they stood face to face.

Following their tracks in the dust, Kahli rounded a corner. It was silent for a moment and then she heard a massive crack. The sound echoed back down the tunnel, making her press her hands to her ears. Looking wildly around, she moved to take cover, but there was nowhere to go. The crack came again. The tunnel shook, and debris rained down on her head. The sound came again and again, and then it finally grew quiet.

Uncertainty spilled into her veins. Kahli looked back the way she came, back to the place where Will lay in the snow. She could double back and drag him away. They could hide again, but how long would that last? Reggie found them in less than a day. Even Will didn't realize how traceable he was. Kahli took a deep breath and walked on.

She remained crouched, slowly placing one foot in front of the other, continuing down the hall, expecting to be attacked at any moment. Breathing steadily through her nose, she tried to control her panic. Her throat was so tight that she wanted to scream. This was much worse than fighting a few wolves. With the wolves she knew what to expect. If she avoided their teeth, she lived. With the vampires though, the fangs weren't the only thing to watch out for. She didn't even know what powers the King had or how to avoid them. Maybe it wasn't possible. Maybe she was walking to her death. Kahli didn't care. She couldn't go back. The only way to deal with this was to face the monster at the other end of the tunnel. Killing him would set her free, and then she'd destroy the Queen and her idiot brother. He should be on the front lawn by now, she thought to herself. Kahli doubted the Queen would respond the way he hoped, especially since he arrived with an empty truck.

Kahli stopped abruptly as a sound caught her ear. Wildly, she looked for a place to hide, but there was nothing. Holding the frozen stake, Kahli inched forward with her heart in her throat. So, it'll end here, she thought and moved forward.

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