Home > United Eden (Eden Trilogy #3)(34)

United Eden (Eden Trilogy #3)(34)
Author: Nicole Williams

Fate, destiny, providence . . . whatever you cal it, didnt dictate our lives. They were phrases created by mankind to blame for their screw-ups.

Wil iam and I were done with it, wed seen through its lies. Things like fate and destiny didnt control our lives: we did.

If wed have let circumstance, bad luck, or the rough road we walked decide if wed be together, we wouldnt be. So wed set fire to fate, suffocated destiny, pushed providence over the precipice, and chose each other. Wed chased down our happily ever after, wed fought for it with our lives, and now that wed found it, we werent about to loosen our grips on it. We were riding the wave until the end of time, the biggest kahuna of al .

Girls would cal me codependent, guys would cal him whipped, and that was alright”they just didnt understand. Codependent was a title I was happy to wear in exchange for the love of a good man.

Wed won the game of life. We were the rulers of our universe. And wed spend the rest of our eternities settling for nothing less.


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