Home > After the Ex Games (The Ex Games #4)(19)

After the Ex Games (The Ex Games #4)(19)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“Well, you don’t trust me, so what did you expect?”

“It’s not about my trusting you, Meg.”

“What’s it about then?” She turned around to face me, and I could see the tears in her eyes.

“You’re crying?” I saw the traces of tears on her face and reached out, touching her cheek.

“It doesn’t matter.” She shrugged, but her eyes looked hurt.

“What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking that I wish I’d gotten to know you a bit better before sleeping with you.”

“I see.”

“Is that all you have to say?” she shouted at me, and I was taken aback by the anger in her voice.

“You’re really upset,” I said dumbly, and she laughed bitterly.

“Wow, you’re fast.” She rolled her eyes, and I leaned forward and kissed her. “What are you doing?” She pulled away from me.

“I was kissing you. I thought I was allowed to kiss my girlfriend.”


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “Fine. I’m going to tell you.”

“Don’t do anything you don’t want to do,” she retorted back at me.

“Of course I want to tell you. I just didn’t think it was my place. Not right now. I thought—I still believe—I owe it to Brandon to tell his side of the story, but I’m not going to lose my relationship with you because I don’t tell you. However, I’m going to need you to promise me one thing.”

“What’s that?” She stared at me with a serious expression.

“Actually, two things. You have to promise me that you won’t say a word to Katie no matter what I tell you. You also have to promise me that you’re not going to judge me. You have to promise me that when I tell you everything, you’ll reserve judgment. You have to promise me that you’ll still give me a chance. If you can’t get over what I say and still feel that way in a month, fine, but please, still try and give me a chance.”

“Okay.” She nodded. “I promise.”

“I’m scared to tell you.” I ran my hands through my hair and pulled her towards me. “This is new for me.”

“What’s new?”

“Loving someone and caring what they think of me.” I made a face. “I don’t want you to hate me.”

“Oh, Greyson.” She grabbed ahold of my face and gazed into my eyes. “Love can forgive a lot.”

“Yeah, but how much?” I gave her a tired smile. “Just how much can love forgive?”


The mood in the office the next morning was tense. Meg had been shocked and angry, but she hadn’t said a word. Her eyes had done all her talking for her. When I’d finished speaking, she’d kissed me lightly on the lips and then turned on her back and gone to sleep. The world had seemed to end in that moment. Talking about everything had made it seem more real, more horrible. I’d seen myself through her eyes and I hadn’t liked who I’d seen. Even though she had promised to be open-minded, I knew a part of her had felt disgusted by me.

She knew that I was a cold-hearted son of a bitch now. There was no disputing that fact. I’d been unable to sleep. I’d felt sorry for myself and I was scared about what was going to happen with Brandon and Katie. If he lost Katie, it would be all my fault. A part of me didn’t understand how I could have been that person before. What sort of man allowed those things to happen?

Knock knock.

A loud tapping at my office door made both Meg and me look up.

“Come in?” I stood up and walked to the middle of the room.

“Mr. Twining, I found someone you may want to see.” David walked into the room, looking disheveled and crazy.

“Yes?” I nodded, hoping he wasn’t about to show me a dead body.

“Come on.” He grabbed ahold of someone and then pulled them into the room with him.

“Nancy,” Meg ran over to the terrified-looking girl and pulled her into her arms. “Oh my God, Nancy, you’re okay.”

“Yes.” Nancy nodded and attempted a weak smile. “I’m okay.”

“Where were you?” Meg pulled her over to the small couch and sat down with her. “Did someone take you?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I needed to go and think for a bit.”

“It was a bit much, wasn’t it? Looking to find out what happened to Maria? David shouldn’t have put you through that.”

“I didn’t put her through—” David started and I walked over to him.

“Shut up, David.” I grabbed his shirt and leaned towards him. “If I find out you did anything to that girl, I will kill you.”

“I wouldn’t be the first one you’ve killed though, would I?” His eyes looked up at mine with hatred. I tightened the grip on his shirt, brought my fist up to his neck, and blocked his air supply.

“Do you really want to play this game?” I hissed.

“Don’t worry.” He choked and tried to push me off. He started sputtering and his face was turning red. I stared at him with hatred, thinking about the letter and bullet he and Patsy had sent me.

“Stop!” Meg jumped up and ran towards me. “Stop it, Greyson. He’s not worth it.” She touched my shoulder and I released my grip on him.

“You think you can threaten me and my family and I’m going to just let you walk away?” I pushed him back against the wall hard. “You think I’m going to have a bullet left on my table and I’m going to—”

“A bullet?” Nancy jumped up in shock. “Oh, David.”

“I don’t know what he’s talking about,” David sputtered. “I didn’t leave no bullet.”

“I don’t believe you,” Nancy said softly and started crying. “How could you, David?”

“I didn’t put no bullet on his table.”

“You pulled a gun on me last night!” she gasped. “You pulled a gun on me! I thought you were going to kill me.”

“What?” I felt a surge of anger run through me. “He did what? You did what?” I pushed my knuckles into his throat and his eyes bulged wide in fear. “I should kill you now.”

“It wasn’t me,” he choked out. “Please.”

“Greyson, don’t.” Meg’s voice was gentle next to me. “I understand why you want to hurt him, but this is not the way.” Her hand rubbed my shoulder, and I looked over at her. She smiled at me and I saw the look of love in her eyes sending me a message. We were going to be okay.

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