Home > Captivated (Club Destiny #4.5)(22)

Captivated (Club Destiny #4.5)(22)
Author: Nicole Edwards

“I need to fuck you, Lucie.” His grip in her hair didn’t lessen, and she found herself having to rise to her feet to keep from crying out in pain.

“Take off your clothes,” he ordered and Lucie started to do as he said. She hadn’t expected it to be like this, but the terse words stirred something deep inside of her. He was turning her on, and she was torn between confusion and desire.

Quickly, she managed to unbutton her slacks, but before she could get them halfway down her legs, Kane was turning her until she was facing the counter, his hand pushing her down until her breasts were crushed against the granite countertop. Without warning, Kane slammed into her from behind, and she cried out as pain crashed through her.

“Lucie,” Kane’s voice sounded closer to her ear, and for a second he wasn’t the demanding, take charge man she’d just been introduced to. “Baby, your pussy feels so damn good. I’ve dreamed about fucking you just like this.”

Lucie’s body tensed at his words, a desperate hunger filling her as she ached for him to continue. Despite the fact that his demands were making her nervous, her body still wanted him.

The warmth of his body disappeared from her back, his hands gripping her hips painfully tight before he began slamming into her over and over.

Lucie didn’t know what was happening to her, but her body tightened, a sharp, sudden tingle erupted deep in her core, and she was moaning his name over and over. Her orgasm slammed into her, making her shake as he continued to fuck her deeper, harder, over and over until finally, long minutes later, Kane shouted her name as he came deep inside of her.

Chapter Seven

Kane was leaning over Lucie as she stared up at him. The story she just told him shattered his soul. To know he had treated her so crudely their very first time made his gut tighten. No wonder she had kept such a monumental secret from him. He was lucky she even talked to him ever again.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered.

Lucie’s hands came up to cup his face, and she stunned him with a smile. “It wasn’t a bad thing, Kane. And that’s not why I didn’t tell you.”

It wasn’t?

“I don’t understand.”

“In my head, it all made sense,” she began, running her hand through his hair and sending a chill down his spine. “I wasn’t trying to keep Haley from you. I was trying to protect you. I didn’t want to burden you because I knew what happened between us wouldn’t have happened if you were sober. It was my fault... And you didn’t remember, so –”

Kane cut her off, pressing his fingers against her lips. “Don’t say it. It takes two, Lucie and I was just as much a part of that night as you were. You can’t even begin to imagine how many times I wanted to take you just like that,” Kane said, closing his eyes briefly. “I would have done it differently, I promise.”

He would’ve never been so rough on her during their first time. He knew he wasn’t a gentle lover, and he didn’t make excuses for himself, but he would’ve never put himself first the way he apparently did that night. He could blame it on the alcohol, he knew, but it didn’t make a damn bit of difference. He was responsible for his own actions and what he did was inexcusable.

“I never should’ve kept her from you,” Lucie whispered in the dark. “I didn’t mean to hurt either one of you.”

Kane heard her sob, felt the tear that brushed his finger as it slid down her cheek and into her hair, making his heart seize in his chest. A million times he had imagined how this conversation would go, but never once had he dreamed it would be like this.

“What do you say we start over?” he asked, knowing it wasn’t entirely possible because they already had an amazing daughter together and he wouldn’t change that even if he could.


“You and Haley go to Hawaii with me. One week, Lucie. Let’s spend that one week getting to know each other.”

The dim light from the rising sun penetrated the room, and Kane could faintly make out her face. Lucie was looking at him, considering what he was asking of her. Not that he blamed her if she said no, but he hoped and prayed she wouldn’t.

“Please,” he added before pressing his lips to hers.

“All right,” she finally said, long seconds later. “We’ll go with you.”

Kane would’ve fist pumped the air, but instead, he chose to kiss her. Hard.

Pulling back, he smiled down on her. “We have to be at the airport by eight.”


Kane moved toward the gate, carrying Haley in one arm and her car seat in the other while Lucie trailed behind them pulling one of her carry on suitcases that contained mostly things for Haley. They nearly had to sprint to their gate, and for once, Kane didn’t mind that he was running behind.

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