Home > Captivated (Club Destiny #4.5)(39)

Captivated (Club Destiny #4.5)(39)
Author: Nicole Edwards


This woman completed him in ways he’d never expected.

“Love me, Lucie,” he pleaded with her. Going slow was the only way he knew to show her just what it meant to him to have her like this. Savoring every movement, feeling every gentle plunge of his cock into her depths.

“I’ll love you forever, Kane,” she whispered back, her fingers sliding into his hair, gripping it harder than he expected. “But, now I want all of you. No holding back.”

Kane knew what she was saying. Lucie accepted him for who he was. All that he was. This gentle lovemaking was foreign to him, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want it. There’d be plenty of time for more, plenty of time to take her in all of the ways he had dreamed. But right now, this was perfection.

“I’m not holding back, baby. Not this time.” And it was the truth.

Kane began driving into her harder, but never separating their bodies. He closed his mouth over hers, penetrating her deeper with his hips and his tongue at the same time until they were panting, sweat beading on his forehead.

“Oh, God, Lucie. You don’t know what you do to me, baby.”

“Show me,” she murmured against his mouth. “Show me, Kane. Come for me.”

Kane pulled back, slammed into her once, twice until he felt the walls of her sex clenching around his cock, her muscles tightening, her legs wrapped around his hips while her heels pressed into his ass. Leaning up on his forearms, he stared down at her, knowing they couldn’t see one another with their eyes, but that didn’t matter. Their hearts were all that mattered right then, and when she squeezed him tightly, Kane slammed into her one final time as she screamed his name, pulling his release from him in a rush as she came around his cock.

He wasn’t sure whether he deserved a woman as perfect for him as Lucie and despite her flaws – and his – Kane knew they were meant for each other. It’d just taken a long time to get to this point. But now that they were here, there was no way he was letting her go.

Not ever again.


Lucie lay in the darkness, running her fingers through Kane’s silky dark hair as his head rested against her chest. He was heavy, but the weight of him had never felt quite so good. Knowing that he was right there with her, holding her made her heart sigh in relief. This was what she had always longed for.

The way their bodies spoke to one another was unlike anything Lucie had ever known. But the way their hearts connected, was more than she felt she deserved. She was flawed, she knew that. She made mistakes in her past, and she was pretty sure she’d make more in her future. She wasn’t perfect. Neither was Kane. And as far as she was concerned, there had never been two people better suited for one another than the two of them. After all, look what happened when two flawed, imperfect people came together. They created perfection. And her name was Haley.

“Marry me,” Kane breathed out roughly, lifting his head from her chest. The early morning sun was peeking in through the small window in her bedroom, and she could see his face clearly now. What she saw there, stole her breath.

Lucie had no idea what to say. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She knew what to say. Yes. It was the only answer if he actually was asking the question. She didn’t respond, her brain working feverishly to determine whether her ears had actually heard him correctly.

“Lucie, marry me,” he repeated. “Marry me and let’s make more perfect babies together. I want to spend my life with you. I want to fall into bed with you each night and wake up with you each day.”

She definitely couldn’t have imagined that. Lucie felt the smile that split her face, the ray of sunshine that penetrated her heart. “Yes,” she whispered, the word barely escaping. “Yes, Kane. Yes, I’ll marry you.” That time they came out more easily, and she knew in that moment that the smile was now permanent.

“I love you, Lucie. Forever and always, I love you.”

“I love you, too, Kane. Now and forever.”

Chapter Fourteen

“You wanted to see me?” Kane questioned Luke as he made his way through the office door.

“Shut the door, please,” Luke replied, not bothering to look up from his computer.

Kane closed the door behind him, then moved to the single chair sitting opposite Luke’s large desk.

While his boss continued with what he was working on, Kane admired the changes to the office. Before Luke had met Sierra, his office had been just short of a supply closet, although some designer had attempted to give it a personable feel, but had only managed to make it worse. If that had even been possible.

Now, the office seemed larger, partly due to the large window overlooking the entire main floor of the club that had been added at Sierra’s request. Definitely an improvement. But, then again, there’d been quite a few improvements to Luke since he’d begun sharing his life with Sierra and Cole.

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