Home > Ethan (Alluring Indulgence #5)(77)

Ethan (Alluring Indulgence #5)(77)
Author: Nicole Edwards

Ethan understood what Beau was saying. This was about them, only them. Demons and memories weren’t invited here. At least for now. “I get it.”

Beau grinned, a sexy smirk that had fire erupting in Ethan’s groin. His cock was paying close attention as well.

“Good. Then I want you naked. Now.” Beau insisted, that sexy authoritative cadence making Ethan’s head spin.

“Sounds like the best plan you’ve had all day.”

Beau winked at him, another move that had Ethan’s entire body trembling with urgency.

To Ethan’s surprise, Beau didn’t move, just continued to brace himself against the counter, his full attention focused on him. Slowly, while he watched every nuance of Beau’s expression, Ethan managed to pull his shirt off and then unhook his belt buckle.

Before he could go further, Beau crooked his finger and said, “Come here.” Beau followed the gesture with a subtle nod of his head, and Ethan moved closer, stopping when they were just a breath apart.

Beau glanced away briefly, and Ethan found himself reaching up to touch his face. “Look at me.”

Beau met his gaze again, his brown eyes darker than before. Was it lust that made them turn molten? Or was it something else?

“I need you to touch me,” Ethan stated firmly, wondering if Beau had rethought his need to control this.

Ethan’s voice wasn’t as demanding as he would’ve liked and he was pretty sure he’d shocked Beau as well. That or Beau’s dominant side was just begging to come out because the next thing he knew, he was in Beau’s arms, their lips pressed together in a kiss that was so gentle, his bones turned to mush.

“I wanted to spend the entire night kissing you last night,” Beau mumbled against his lips, his fingers running up the back of his neck and cradling his head. “I dreamed about this. About you.”

“Yeah?” Ethan was breathless already.

“All night. I was tempted to crawl out of bed and come back just so I could hold you in my arms and…” Beau let the sentence trail off and Ethan pulled back slightly so he could look Beau in the eye.

“And what?”

Beau shook his head and pulled Ethan closer, but Ethan managed to pull away, inserting another small amount of space between their bodies. The steam from the shower had slowly filled the bathroom, causing the mirror to fog, and the room to warm several degrees. In an attempt to move things along, Ethan unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down over his hips.

“Tell me. What did you want to do?” Ethan was unable to suppress the needy growl as he kept his eyes locked with Beau’s.

“I wanted to make love to you,” Beau growled, the shyness in his voice evident, but it was mixed with something that sounded like hunger.

Ethan immediately realized what Beau was getting at. He wanted to make love to Ethan, which meant… Ethan wouldn’t be the top.

The idea sent a chill down his spine, another bout of anticipation erupted in his gut. God, he wanted to feel Beau, to have him buried to the hilt inside of him until they were one. Truthfully, it’d been a long time since Ethan had been the bottom and he bet…


Beau had never…

Ethan gripped Beau’s t-shirt, jerking him forward until their bodies collided and he crushed their lips together, his tongue seeking admission into Beau’s delectable mouth. Beau had never penetrated another man. And Ethan was going to be his first.

“Get naked,” Ethan growled. “I want to feel every fucking inch of you against my skin.”

Pushing away, Ethan stumbled in an attempt to pull his own boots off, but finally managed to undress himself without face-planting on the floor. He considered that a good thing.

And when Beau was naked too, Ethan would consider that the best possible thing that could happen to him.

Chapter Twenty Three

Beau would be the first to admit that he loved the hell out of Ethan’s inability to conceal what he was feeling in front of him. It didn’t matter if the man considered himself guarded or not, his true feelings shone like a beacon in his beautiful smoky blue eyes. Beau had been a little self-conscious about admitting what he wanted from Ethan, but somehow he’d found the words.

There were a lot of things he’d said tonight that had shocked him. Beau had always been the quiet one, the third wheel so to speak, and now that he was addressing this relationship with Ethan head on, he was finding things about himself that he hadn’t known. Things that he liked.

Like dominating Ethan.

Although somewhere in the last few minutes, it seemed as though Ethan had forgotten who was actually in charge here.

Beau didn’t forget.

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